My main reason for starting is because I have a wonderful opportunity to go on a church mini medical mission from May 1st to June 1st. I will be going as a Operating Room Nurse to the Caribbean, mainly Antigua and then to South America to Columbia then ending in Panama. The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) which I am a member of, has joined with the U.S. Navy and other humanitarian organizations to go to these developing areas that are in need medical help as well as other areas they need assistance in. I will mainly be on the USNS Comfort which is a huge ship that is pretty much a floating traveling hospital. This mission is called "Continuing promise '09."
As I said, I will be working as a nurse in the operating room assisting with the surgeries, and as I was told and I truly believe, this is not a pleasure cruise. I am up for the challenge of long days of standing on my feet all day and short nights without the pleasure of my nice big comfy bed and wonderful husband Frank, which will be replaced with a narrow hard bunk in tight quarters and communal bathrooms. Bring it on!!! I'm ready and excited. You know the saying, "Ignorance is bliss." Well I am in my blissful state, but know that reality is right around the corner. I believe that I can endure anything for a month. Although I am expecting the work to be hard, I am not afraid of hard work and I know this will be an incredible and very rewarding experience. I plan on coming home after my month of service physically exhausted but with a smile on my face and being spiritually renewed with an increased abundance of gratitude for my many wonderful blessings that I have taken for granted. I hope to come home worm and bug free and I am taking every precaution to ensure that I am successful. I will be getting all manner of injections and things to guard against the many ugly possibilities that going to these places might bring. Mainly, hepatitis A&B, Typhiod Fever, Tuberculosis, Yellow Fever, Malaria.....the list goes on and on. I have 6 weeks to get everything in order. Fun stuff!
I will miss my family very much, especially Frank. I am so grateful for the sacrifices that they will make so that I can be apart of this mission. Laura will come home from BYU when she is done the end of April to hold down the fort. Mainly making sure Max doesn't get lax in his school work and finishes strong. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!! I have the most incredible awesome supportive family ever. Next to my Savior, they are truly my greatest blessing.
My hope is to journal through out my experience so that I can remember all the wonderful things I was fortunate to participate in as well as keeping anyone who is interested up to date on what I am up to.
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